In Sfax

I no longer know exactly how this strange premonition came about, but I was certain I was going to die on this trip to Tunisia. I’ve often taken the… More

The Patience Stone

Somewhere in Afhanistan or elsehereThe room is small. Rectangular. Stifling, despite the paleness of the turquoise walls, and the two curtains patterned with migrating birds frozen mid-flight against a… More


MarcoIt all began with a bird of prey, an enormous thing, a kind of hawk standing stiffly on its two feet in the middle of the road, head hanging… More

Almost Dead

1I climbed aboard the Little No. 5 as I did every morning on my way to work. ‘Little No. 5’ is what I call the minibus-sized cab which follows… More

The Dead Republic

Model Ts prowling the country, men in trenchcoats moving in to kill me. But the Civil War was three decades gone, and it was just a Limerick taxi. I… More

In a Dark Wood

Summer comes, and autumn. Days pass, months fly by. He clears up the shop and buys in goods. He gets bread from the baker and vegetables from the greengrocer.… More


PrologueThe Panther lurks no longer in foreign shadows—he’s come home to rest. Crispin Salvador’s fitting epitaph, by his request, is merely his name.—from an unattributed obituary, The Philippine Sun,… More

Jesus Boy

VIII. Testament of Fire and LamentationsWe may live in a tent or a cottage,And die in seclusion alone;But the Father Who seeth in secret,Remembers each one of His own.We… More

The Private Lives of Trees

Verónica was studying for an Art degree—she was in her second year—when Daniela arrived and threw everything off course.Anticipating the pain was her way of experiencing it—a young pain… More

Splendid Conspiracy

Whenever he looked back on the episode, Imtaz couldn’t help reliving all the ghastliness of that moment when, clasping his co-star in a fiery embrace, he had realized his… More