
Millions of Iraqis, spanning the country’s religious and ethnic spectrum, welcomed the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. But the mostly young men and women who embraced America’s project so enthusiastically… More

A Fahrenheit 450 Story

This is a Fahrenheit 450 story, only hot enough to burn my butt, no blazing tale of the censorship wars. While heroic writers speaking truth to power face secret… More

And Yet…

Censorship—for most writers it’s a word that immediately raises a red flag. It brings up visions of totalitarian states abroad and right-wing cabals at home. What first-amendment-loving, ACLU-supporting scribe… More

Drowning in Apathy

Polar bears are the largest land carnivores, reaching mythic proportions: 12 feet high, 2,000 pounds. They have 42 ivory teeth, and their paws are 12 inches wide, with curved,… More

Avraham Ibn Ezra (c. 1093 – c. 1167)

With the departure of Yehuda HaLevi for the Land of Israel and, several years later, the first wave of invasions by the North African Almohads, the Golden Age of… More