Escape from a Maximum Security Jail

Los Angeles County has the largest jail system in the world. Their maximum security unit, Highpower, is reserved for the most dangerous, notorious and high risk inmates. Highpowers are… More

The Hole

The Hole isn’t merely a place inside of the prison, it’s an entire psychology used against you—a weaponized psychology—one that must have taken an incredible amount of malicious effort… More

Things Come Together, Things Fall Apart

Turning and turning in the widening gyreThe falcon cannot hear the falconer;Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and… More

Public Lives/Private Lives

Village RumorsA few weeks ago, the phone rang at 11:45 p.m. in my home in Amsterdam. It was my friend Vincent, who’s been living in Sweden since he fled… More

Public Lives/Private Lives

I spent my childhood in socialist Romania. In 1983 I learned that the two most dangerous objects in our household were my father's air-gun and his typewriter. A presidential… More

Public Lives/Private Lives

I believe that one of the most problematic and fascinating conflicts of our time is the relationship between our intimate beliefs and our public life.How do our convictions give… More

Clean Sheets

Prolific Dutch novelist and journalist Arnon Grunberg (Amsterdam, 1971) has done many things: win the same first-novel prize for a second time (pseudonymously as Marek van der Jagt), publish… More

Realist Fiction

Last night, in a biker bar, I overheard two men discussing what distinguished “realist” fiction from more “experimental” work. Although one shouldn’t generalize, I never expect bikers to be… More