Retired from the Game

Retired from the Game“Umm . . . excuse me, miss.” I halted the sensuous stride of the six-feet beauty of a correctional officer.“Yes?” she snapped, pausing with an attitude,… More

Unilaterally Punitive

The United States is unique in the world for its overzealous love affair with life without parole sentences (LWOP). It is one of the few western countries to have… More

King of a Hundred Horsemen

Marie Étienne, born in Menton in the Alpes-Maritimes, spent her childhood in Indochina, in what is now Vietnam, during the Second World War and the beginning of the Viet… More

변화의 중심에 서서

변화의 중심에 서서 나는 요즈음 청년작가라고 자처합니다. 언제나 과거의 작품들과 결별하겠다는 생각때문이기도 하지만, 사실상 ‘무기의 그늘’을 출간한 이래 15년 동안 절필하고 사회 봉사와 망명 투옥 등으로 보냈기 때문이지요. 본격적으로 다시… More

Golden Calves

Every year at the time of the Passover holiday this question starts itching me. What about the Golden Calf? I think that Passover is one of the best holidays… More

How Does the World Change?

Who is changing the world? And to whose interest?Those super powers who own God, absolute truths, nuclear weapons, money, and media? Or millions of women, men, and children who… More

On Fear

I think FDR had it right, as he did so many things, that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—the fear of participating fully in our… More