Bringing German Theater to the World

In choosing plays to translate, I have sought out scripts that are substantially different—in form, or content, or both—from the type of work routinely staged by English-language theaters, without… More

Play Their Hearts Out

On a clear and warm Sunday afternoon in September of 1996, a basketball game was played in the gym at Riverside Community College in Southern California. More

On Translating Hocus Bogus

Written at high speed and completed in January 1976, Hocus Bogus is one of the most alarmingly effective mystifications in all literature. More

Renovating Tradition

To me, Kezilahabi’s poems communicate that any understanding achieved has meaning exactly because it is temporary, idiosyncratic, and subject to change. More

The Possessed

Despite the novel’s complexity, its central question is very simple: How does someone who doesn’t actually have tuberculosis end up spending seven years at a tuberculosis sanatorium? I often… More

Gloriously Hellish

What inspired me and kept me going was Ball’s language, the fact that he proves, maybe even more than anything I have ever translated, that you cannot translate words. More

An Exhilarating Vertige

Salsa, a collection of 46 poems by the Taiwanese poet Hsia Yü, is an incredible volume of verse by one of the most engaging and innovation poets writing in… More

Visions of a Disaster

The reader embarks upon two journeys: in the first, we drive with protagonist and narrator Pablo from Spain to France as he pursues his girlfriend Teba, who is on… More