DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

DOJ's crackdown on leaks undermines years of negotiations with media organizations to protect journalists from surveillance, Gen. Kelly faces uphill battle in tackling White House's lies, Pussy Riot detained… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Transcripts of Trump's phone calls with world leaders leak, prompting debate amongst supporters and detractors alike; YouTube becomes platform of choice for young far-right, Trump tells crowd of supporters… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

CNN's Jim Acosta has heated exchange with White House Aide Stephen Miller over immigration plans; Sinclair Broadcasting Group's must-run segments show pro-Trump bias, French journalist detained in Turkey, and… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

New direction of State Department leaves democracy to fall by the wayside, emboldening illiberal regimes around the world; EPA official resigns, decrying 'temporary triumph of myth over truth'; and… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Scaramucci ouster prompts pundits to ponder whether new White House Chief of Staff may be able to impose some message discipline, Chinese state media accuses Trump of 'emotional venting'… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Public officials blocking constituents on social media are violating their First Amendment rights; Gawker effect chills controversial and investigative news coverage; Apple removes VPN apps, essential to bypassing censorship,… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Scaramucci's expletive-ridden tirade reveals deep fissures in the White House. Russia sanctions bill causes diplomatic rift, but Trump administration doesn't confirm whether the president will sign the bill. Boy… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Twitter explains why it won't ban Trump; Scaramucci's war on leaks is tested as his own financial disclosure form winds up published in Politico; Outdoor retailers join the resistance;… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Trump calls for a ban on transgender people serving in the U.S. military, reversing Obama-era policy. Attorneys for the President want a federal appeals court to dismiss a lawsuit… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Trump talks politics and lashes out in front of 30,000 youth at a Boy Scout jamboree. Snopes fact-checking website locked in a dispute with a vendor/business partner that has… More