
The nation at war was not a permanent landscape: Bonnie’s New York, the real New York, was a distant, gleaming city in a lost decade. A lost Bonnie existed… More

Dancing in the Dark

Act One(1873-1903)It is February 1903 and at present he is impersonating Shylock Homestead in the musical In Dahomey, but only after dark. He shambles about as though unsure what… More

Navid Kermani on Faith & Reason

Moritz Pollesch has a friend called Albrecht, who claims he is going to kill his nine-year-old son within two to three years. Although Moritz cannot imagine Albrecht would be… More

Blood Feather

As Marcia does the dishes, she hears her daughter call from upstairs. “Mom, Mo-o-o-m . . . ” She races up but Ruthie isn’t in her room or even… More

Suffer the Little Children

On a night when it's actually quiet enough to hear my own thoughts, after the lights have gone dim, my eyes burn red from reading one too many pages.… More

Life Under the Knife

My job in the library was my only peace in prison. The library was a little room, it couldn’t have been more then the size of a rich person’s… More

The Horizon Rises

Wednesday. It is Wednesday, isn’t it? What happened to Saturday? Did it devour Sunday and Monday and Tuesday, and was it now hungrily eyeing Wednesday’s infant morning? This savage… More


Teacher . . . Teacher. What it mean when I wearing an orange color suit and I standing in front of me auntie house and the house be white… More