Song for Night

Death Is Two Fingers Sliding Across the ThroatDeath is always the expectation here and when my throat was cut it was no different. Nobody explained it at first. Nobody… More

The Perfect Man

Gerard Travers lifted the little dark boy off the train and onto the platform at Victoria. It had been a hard journey from India for the child, who had… More


Men’s faces always appear old to me. Most of the ones who visit the karaoke parlor are ageing, with wives and children at home. They were born in the… More

The Nurse and the Novelist

1. The ButterflyThe entire book is set in two columns. The narrower one is in italics. It tells a story of a village woman who falls in love with… More

Soap and Ambergris

I live in a small, single-story house in Al-Atayef Quarter. My husband didn’t leave me anything, apart from a mud house that shakes when the thunder crashes and the… More

My Beirut

I felt foreign to myself. Doubt, that blind mole, burrowed down my spine. I leaned back on the car, surveyed the neighborhood, felt the blood throb in the veins… More

Celestial Harmonies

1. It is deucedly difficult to tell a lie when you don't know the truth.2. To kick off a text with a ferocious-looking baroque grand seigneur is gratifying; a… More