Prison Sexuality

Many will consider this a perverse subject, one they would rather ignore than discuss. To do so is to deny nature. For those concerned with the health and well-being… More

Free Speech Wars

Ozzy Osbourne is notorious 'round these parts for once watering down our shrine of liberty, the Alamo. On April 2, 2004, the Texas Board of Criminal Justice did worse… More

Made in the USA

The pictures that came out of Iraq told a brutal story. No, not the ones to which the public has grown disturbingly apathetic, those of American soldiers in action… More


Prisoners like to talk about the conditions in other prisons, as if the comparison might improve their mood, or give them another reason to voice a complaint. So when… More

Prison Poets

Everywhere solitary prisoners begin to create the words of the new dialogue.- Octavio Paz, 1949 The poet in him flounders in a morass of lies and distortions about his conquered… More