November & Persephone

A golden shredding of light, slow unfolding, the airy geometry of trees revealed in a day by day transfiguration of tough vegetable matter into clearer and clearer frames of radiance, until you scarcely know… More

The Holy Ghost’s Life of Writing

The Holy Ghost's Life of WritingI think the Holy Ghost has writtennot only the Bible but all books.—George Bernard ShawNo staring out the windows, no sharpening pencils,no torn-up pages,… More

Let Man Remember

Let man remember throughout his life he’s on his way toward death:each day he travels only a little so he thinks he’s always at rest—like someone sitting at ease… More


So again this vista is eroding. The buildings dim. The women doze in their Steel and stone barns, their toil Having been state approved, the sheets Bleached harmless and stacked on the tables By… More


At 13, banished from homehe learned not to trust.Brilliant, he doubted his brilliance,and crept downstairs to grab exam resultsbefore others. To no one’s surprisebut his, he had topped the… More

Chris Early: Sheryl

Legs parted like a pie with one slice eaten inside a la mode thighs angle over sour sheets. They are silk. A guitar sleeps beside her, always, and I am stoned again, nude, seated on carpet, waiting… More

Prison Moon

Four a.m. work duty and I beginmy solitary trudge from outer compoundto main building. A shivering guard,chilled in his lonely outpost, strip searchesme until content that my inconsequential nudity.poses… More


Honorable Mention, PoetryOptics only 9 yrs in usesaw the needlefilled with very little bloodhanging in the vein of the tied armThe arm hanging from a manlying in a refrigeratorin… More