From Real Karaoke People

Summer evenings around a picnic table metropolis’d with food and condiments, the man’s fingers sweep the moon from his wife’s black mane, humming of lovers in an oarless boat on the East Sea… More


Manma whispered—Pharmacist....daughter....married I collected whispers like apples in a basket, jumbled, disjointed words that I knew could be rearranged into a story....somehow. More

On Faith & Reason

Nothing that happens in my country matters In the large scheme of things But when I am there Breathing the dusty air of the dry months A cruel April to defy Eliot I know… More

Faith & Reason

Here & ElsewhereI cannot write I cannot writewhen I want to, when I need to.I mean I cannot writewhat must be writtenwhat demands to be written.Every morning I ask… More

The New Religion

The body is a nation I have not known. The pure joy of air: the moment between leaping from a cliff into the wall of blue below. Like that. More

On Faith & Reason

Instead of me,/ the reading lamp begins to move../ It takes a different shape,/ becomes a starship,/ and the little men/ get off to take me/ as if I… More

On Faith & Reason

But there outside, in the glow of the sinking sun, Sister Cécile sits on the doorstep of the hut and with her smile caresses the vacant stares of the children. Her arms… More

On Faith & Reason

The VisitWhen I looked up from my blank pagethere was an angel in the room.A rather commonplace angel,presumably of lower rank.You cannot imagine, he said,the degree to which you’re… More

Transmigration of Souls

Transmigration of SoulsIt's hard for you to believe in reincarnationbut you're willing to try,considering the alternative.If only someone would explainwhere the souls are, in a city or a townor… More

November & Persephone

A golden shredding of light, slow unfolding, the airy geometry of trees revealed in a day by day transfiguration of tough vegetable matter into clearer and clearer frames of radiance, until you scarcely know… More