The Selected Poems of Wang Wei

At Cloud Valley with Huang-fu Yüeh1 Bird-Cry CreekIn our idleness, cinnamon blossoms fall.In night quiet, spring mountains standempty. Moonrise startles mountain birds:here and there, cries in a spring gorge.3… More

Amos Fuller Doesn’t Speak

Amos Fuller Doesn't SpeakAmos Fuller doesn’t speak.He sometimes sits with us when there is room,His stark dinner tray occupying his privatequarter of the table.His khakis are always neat and… More

Doing Time

Doing TimeSunday evening Mom and Dad unwind on the couch,her full black hair lays against Dad’s shoulder.The iconic stopwatch fills the screen, the second handsweeps north, folding its final… More

Knowing a Place

You can’t love a place unless you know itreally know it like you were born theremoved there young had time to explorewalk the streets talk to the peopleNew… More

Forest Clayton

The FanOn my mother’s dresserSits an old brittle photographThat flirts with the fan thatWas bought to soothe pain.Shadows hide behind her curtains;They sneak peeks to see if sheWill ever… More

Days of Our Lives

Military Contractors and financial companies led shares higher yesterday . . .As bombs beat blood out of Palestinian RefugeesIn response to the latest suicide blood oathIn the name of… More

Fried Mushrooms

My mother is the kind of woman/ who buys fried mushrooms/ with her last five dollars/ on the way home/ from a listless day waiting/ for nothing/ at the… More

An Indeterminate SHU

An Indeterminate SHUChilled gusts slice through razor wirecreeping around the window's edgelike ants teeming over breadcrumbs.Rats intrepidly stalk the tier sniffingremnants of tonight's repast. I pay them no heed.I… More