Orange is the New Black

Chapter OneAre You Gonna Go My Way?International baggage claim in the Brussels airport was large and airy, with multiple carousels circling endlessly. I scurried from one to another, desperately… More

Walla Walla IMU

The bread is moving. A small piece broken off of what was pushed through the narrow cuffport to me earlier that morning. A horde of tiny red ants have… More

A Collaborator in Kashmir

After flights from Delhi to Jammu and then on to Srinagar, I rode north in a taxi to Sopore, closer to the Pakistan border. I’d come to Kashmir to meet… More

The Call

I descended the mosque steps calmly after the prayer, talking to a friend of mine. The school year had started a few weeks earlier, the university students arriving from… More

August Picnic

It was a cloudy overcast morning and from my window I could see a clump of boats riding gently at their moorings. Below my window surrounded by angles of… More

No Pain

“They who go - feel not the pain of parting; it is they who stay behind that suffer.”--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow “Michael Angelo”My eyes shot open and I instinctively braced myself for… More

Public Demons

Public Demons: Chronicle of a Raid “Without justice, what would States really bebut giant bands of thieves?”—St. Augustine, City of God“For my friends, whatever they want. For my enemies, the… More

The First O.J. Book

I got the idea for an O.J. Simpson book long before all the others came out. The inspiration came in a flash at three in the morning as I… More

Retired from the Game

Retired from the Game“Umm . . . excuse me, miss.” I halted the sensuous stride of the six-feet beauty of a correctional officer.“Yes?” she snapped, pausing with an attitude,… More