The Acrobat

Palm Springs, California, 18 January 1954Sharpen the blade on the strop fixed to the wall, moisten the soap in the bowl with hot water, remove any loose bristles from… More

Horacio Castellanos Moya: Senselessness

Translated from the Spanish by Katherine SilverKatherine Silver is the recipient of a 2007 PEN Translation Fund Grant for her translation of Horacio Castellanos Moya's Senselessness (New Directions, 2008). CHAPTER… More

Africa and the World

ZAKES MDA: I will read a passage here from The Whale Caller, which is a novel set in South Africa in a small town called Hermanus. Hermanus is well… More

Rituals of Restlessness

“Where are we going sir?”“To work.”“What’s our business?”Kamran felt less anxious when he talked. He didn’t want to remain silent, even for a second. He just wanted to talk,… More

The Higher Power of Lucky

Lucky Trimble crouched in a wedge of shade behind the Dumpster. Her ear near a hole in the paint-chipped wall of Hard Pan's Found Object Wind Chime Museum and… More

Half of a Yellow Sun

Master was a little crazy; he had spent too many years reading books overseas, talked to himself in his office, did not always return greetings, and had too much… More


Turning toward the coffin, she picked up a clod of dirt and, before dropping it onto the lid, said lightly, with the air still of a bewildered young girl,… More

Season of Ice

1In the beginning there was snow. Torrents of tiny flakes blew in off the lake, pricked my skin before they melted on my hands and face and tongue. I… More

Suite Française

1Hot, thought the Parisians. The warm air of spring. It was night, they were at war and there was an air raid. But dawn was near and the war… More