What the Dog Saw, And Other Adventures

The PitchmanRon Popeil and the Conquest of the American Kitchen1.The extraordinary story of the Ronco Showtime Rotisserie & BBQ begins with Nathan Morris, the son of the shoemaker and… More

Silver Sparrow

My father, James Witherspoon, is a bigamist. He was already married ten years when he first clamped eyes on my mother. In 1968, she was working at the gift-wrap… More

Mildred Pierce

In the spring of 1931, on a lawn in Glendale, California, a man was bracing trees. It was a tedious job, for he had first to prune dead twigs,… More

Summer Rain

Sabri was astonished to see the young woman absently smiling in the pouring rain as she passed through the gate and touched, almost caressed, the trunk of the withered… More

Quiet Chaos

I do spinning. Yolanda’s cellphone starts ringing in the nick of time: it forces her to walk a few steps away from me to answer it, and I can… More


Suddenly it occurred to me I wouldn’t be spending today in the fields either, bent double cutting the wheat. I felt a little surge of happiness, but it quickly… More

The Chukchi Bible

The First Man of Our LineErmen made a slow ascent of the high crag that hung over the foamy tide line. The alarmed gulls and guillemots bombarded him with… More

Animals in our Days

The eyes of the oryx between Rusafa and Jisr/ Have brought on a desire whose source I both know and know not.—Ali bin al-JahmIn field research, Dr. Larissa Conradt… More


“What’s this soup made of?”“No way of knowing … The cook probably doesn’t even know.”The waitress had just finished filling two bowls with a yellowish liquid: small pieces of… More