Grand Tour

In America I’m not really a private person. No, I’m a public person. And a public person cannot write. More

Essential Incarceration

At no time in the modern era has the concern over incarceration--its purpose and consequences--been so prevalent and urgent. This has been quite clear from the amount of legislative… More

Birds of a Feather

On October 24th, Ronald Reagan signed the necessary executive order sending the Congressionally approved $100 million in aid to the Nicaraguan contras. Of this aids $70 million was designated… More

My Banned Books

Back in the 1970's I wrote a couple of what used to be known as “middle age” novels that were banned in Texas and in West Virginia. They were… More

A Twisted Evening With Dr. Gonzo

My early literary influences naturally gravitated towards counterculture writing that started with Kerouac’s On the Road, Ginsberg’s epic poem of the Beat Generation, Howl, and experiencing the utter depths… More

Unilaterally Punitive

The United States is unique in the world for its overzealous love affair with life without parole sentences (LWOP). It is one of the few western countries to have… More