Zakaria Osuli

Writer, professor, and outspoken activist for the women's rights movement, Osuli was released by the Taliban after two months of detention in April 2023. Prior to his detention, Osuli… More

Rasul Abdi Parsi

Parsi is an Islamic law scholar and former professor at Herat University who was arrested by the Taliban in March 2023 for comments he posted on Facebook. In October… More

Arouna Louré

Louré, an anesthesiologist, is an outspoken critic of the Burkinabé government. In 2018, he published an essay Burkindi for a new revolution on the increase in political activism, and… More

Cao Peizhi

Cao is an activist and founder of Warm House, a WeChat blog group discussing democracy issues in China. In July 2022, Cao was detained on charges of "picking quarrels… More

Xiang Jinfeng

Xiang is a blogger who created a WeChat group where has been posting politically sensitive commentary and expressing concerns about citizens' rights since 2017. In 2019, he was stopped… More

Xie Junbiao

Xie is an activist and blogger from Chengdu. In 2018, he was beaten and detained by police for 10 days on charges of "picking quarrels and provoking trouble." He… More

Mortaza Behboudi

Behboudi is a Franco-Afghan journalist and documentary filmmaker who co-founded and contributed to the independent news site Guiti News. He was detained by the Taliban on January 7, two… More

Mehdi Yarrahi

Songwriter Yarrahi was arrested in August 2023 for writing a song titled "Rosarito" (Your Headscarf), an anti-hijab and pro-women's rights song. He was charged with "propaganda," "corruption," and "publishing… More

Abdukholil Kholikzoda

The author of the memoir The Events of My Life, Kholikzoda was arrested in August 2023 and copies of his memoir were confiscated by authorities. The Tajik prosecutor accused… More

Duong Van Thai Thai Van Duong

Independent journalist Duong Van Thai went missing on April 14, 2023 in Bangkok, where he lived as a refugee. Duong had been critical of Vietnamese government on his Facebook… More