Nelson Aguilera

Nelson Aguilera

PEN Paraguay member, writer, and author of children’s books Aguilera was convicted of plagiarism in November 2013, following accusations made by Maria Garay in 2010 that he plagiarized her… More

Writers at Risk Database

Tomasz Piątek

Journalist and writer Piątek faced potential criminal charges for a book published in June 2017, which examines the links between Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz and the Russian military intelligence… More

Writers at Risk Database

Wojciech Sadurski

Scholar and writer Sadurski faces three defamation suits for tweets he sent in 2018 criticizing Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party (PiS) and public broadcaster TVP, calling the PiS… More

Writers at Risk Database

Mohammed Al-Ajami

Poet Al-Ajami was convicted in November 2012 for “inciting the overthrow of the ruling regime” and “criticizing the Emir” in two of his poems. He was sentenced to life… More

Aung Than

Zeya Aung and Aung Than collaboratively wrote a book of poems and were subsequently arrested on politically motivated charges. Others involved in the production of the book were also… More

Yaser Morazán

Journalist Morazán was one of three PEN Nicaragua members to be subjected to harassment through the circulation of an anonymous video which identified them as behind a terrorist conspiracy… More

Writers at Risk Database

Wa Lone

Reuters reporter Wa Lone was arrested in December 2017 with his colleague Kyaw Soe Oo after they covered a massacre in Rakhine State. They received seven-year prison sentences in… More

Writers at Risk Database

Kyaw Soe Oo

Reuters reporter Kyaw Soe Oo was arrested in December 2017 with his colleague Wa Lone after they covered a massacre in Rakhine State. They received seven-year prison sentences in… More

Writers at Risk Database

Saw Wai

Saw Wai, a lifelong activist and well-known poet, was charged in October 2019 with making defamatory statements at a public gathering in April after a case was lodged against… More

Ngar Min Swe Sar Min Swe

Ngar Min Swe was serving a seven-year prison sentence for "inciting hatred against the government," stemming from Facebook posts and critical news articles about Aung San Suu Kyi. Released… More