Zechariah Makuach Maror

Maror, a columnist in several local dailies, was arrested on April 18, 2020 for alleged defamation in his writing and social media posts criticizing South Sudan’s Ministry of Finance.… More

Le Huu Minh Tuan Le Tuan

Le Huu Minh Tuan Le Tuan

Le Tuan has written critically of government policies and in support of democracy. He was arrested in June 2020 under Article 117, related to propaganda against the state, for… More

Pablo Rivadulla

Pablo Rivadulla Pablo Hásel

After briefly evading authorities, Spanish rapper Rivadulla was arrested in February 2021 for insulting members of the royal family and “promoting terrorism” in his music and tweets. In March… More

Ahnaf Jazeem

Jazeem was arrested on May 16, 2020 under the Prevention of Terrorism Act in relation to his book of poetry Navarasam, in which authorities claimed without basis that he… More

Dariush Moradi

Moradi is a Kurdish cultural activist who serves on the editorial board of Hesareh, a literary website. Security forces arrested him on November 23, 2020, searching his home and… More

Milad Jannat

Jannat is a member of the Iranian Writers Association, a translator, and a poet. He was detained in a home raid in July 2020, in which authorities reportedly confiscated… More

Nejat Bahrami

Nejat Bahrami

Bahrami is a freelance columnist who writes political, economic, and cultural commentary. In May 2020, one year after he was convicted, a court summoned him to begin his one-year… More

Alnur Ilyashev

Detained in April 2020, Ilyashev was sentenced in June to three years of restricted freedom and a five year ban on political activism for Facebook posts criticizing the Kazakh… More

Omoyele Sowore

Omoyele Sowore

Omoyele Sowore, a political activist and journalist, was arrested and detained by police on December 2020 during a candlelight procession he had organized against bad governance in Nigeria. He… More

Awad Al-Sawafi

Al-Sawafi, an activist and blogger, was arrested and immediately charged on June 3, 2020. Two weeks later, he was handed down a suspended sentence of one year in prison… More