Chen Yu Zhang Xiaomai

Chen owns an online book retailer that sells foreign-published Christian books to readers living in China. In September 2019, he was detained in Linhai city on suspicion of “illegal… More

António Aly Silva

Freelance journalist and editor of the blog Dictatorship of Consensus, António Aly Silva is a strong critic of President Úmaro Sissoco Embaló and the current regime. He was detained… More

Alireza Nouri

Nouri, a member of the Iranian Writers' Association, was sentenced to two years imprisonment on the charge of “blasphemy through writing offensive poetry online” in 2017. While his prison… More

Go Sherab Gyatso Gosher

Author of the book We Need to Wake Up and several articles on restrictions to Tibetans’ freedom of expression, Gyatso was taken into custody on October 26, 2020 by… More

Mohamed Cheikh Ould Mkhaitir

Mohamed Cheikh ould Mohamed Mkhaïtir

In 2014, Mkhaïtr was sentenced to death for writing an article, in which he argued that Muaritania's caste system was not justified by the teachings of the prophet Mohammed.… More

Gamal Al-Gamal

A freelance columnist and well-known critic of President El-Sisi’s policies, Al-Gamal left Egypt in 2017. On February 22, 2021, upon returning from exile in Türkiye, he was detained and… More

Fung Wai-kong

Apple Daily editorial writer Fung was arrested at the airport on June 27, 2021, while en route to the U.K. After two days in detention, he was released on… More

Said Djabelkhir

Said Djabelkhir

Scholar Djabelkhir was—without notice—charged with “offending the precepts of Islam” after writing 3 Facebook posts of “academic reflections” on the Quran and Islamic traditions in 2020. In April 2021,… More

Writers at Risk Database

Jordi Cuixart

Cuixart is a Catalan poet who advocates for the region’s independence. In October 2019, Cuixart, already detained, received a nine-year prison sentence and ban on holding office for sedition.… More

Writers at Risk Database

Jordi Sànchez

Sànchez is a Catalan writer who advocates for the region’s independence. In October 2019, Sànchez, already detained, received a nine-year prison sentence and a ban on holding office for… More