Kyaw Min Yu Ko Jimmy

Literary writer and prominent pro-democracy activist "Ko Jimmy," imprisoned multiple times previously, was charged over his Facebook posts in February 2021 and arrested in October; a military tribunal sentenced… More

Anwar Al-Rasheed

Prominent Kuwaiti activist Al-Rasheed ofen uses his Twitter account to write opinion commentary on the country's public matters. He was physically restrained from speaking publically and threatened with violence.… More

Lokman Slim

Slim was a renowned writer, columnist, and documentary filmmaker. He was the co-owner of the publishing house Dar al-Jadeed. In the days leading up to his assassination, Slim published… More

Fahmi Reza

Reza is a political activist and cartoonist who draws political cartoons and graphic art, which he posts on social media. He has been charged multiple times in the past… More

Uthaya Sankar SB

Writer and columnist Uthaya was taken in for investigation on April 11 and arrested for making a Facebook post on April 6 that allegedly insulted Prophet Muhammad. He was… More

Mazen Latif

Latif is a literary writer and owner of publishing house Mesopotamia. He is alos an activist who was heavily involved in the Baghdad protest movement. He was kidnapped from… More

Sherwan Amin Sherwani

A columnist and online commentator known for his writing on corruption, Sherwani was first arrested in 2019 in connection to two articles he wrote. He was rearrested in October… More

Adnan Al-Rousan

Al-Rousan, a columnist, was arrested on August 14, 2022 for criticizing the King of Jordan via Facebook. He was charged with inciting conflict and sowing division among the elements… More

Ahmed Hassan Al-Zoubi Al-Zubi

A columnist, playwright, and political satirist, Al-Zoubi is facing continued harassment for his work. In March 2022, his vehicle was intercepted on his way to the airport, and he… More

Danat Namazbaev

Namazbaev is a blogger and online commentator who uses Facebook to express/post political opinion commentary that is critical of Russia. He was arrested with Marghulan Bornabai in 2020. He… More