Musab Khamees Qafeisha

Qafeisha, a freelance reporter from the West Bank who writes commentary online, has been detained several times in the past decade. In October 2023, Israeli soldiers surrounded Qafeisha’s home… More

Mustafa Sheta

Sheta, known for his activism, is a columnist and producer at The Freedom Theatre. In early December 2023, the Israeli Army forces broke into and destroyed The Freedom Theatre… More

Nawef Al-Amer

Columnist and social media commentator Al-Amer authored Days of Ashes (2013), where he recounts his experience as a detainee for 13 months in an Israeli prison in 2011. In… More

Radwan Qatanani

Qatanani is a columnist for the Palestinian news website ETAR as well as an online commentator posting primarily on Twitter. He previously spent 20 months in administrative detention in… More

Rasem Obaidat

Obaidat has written political commentary for both his own channels and news outlets, and has authored two books: Cries in the Time of Apostasy and From the Memory of… More

Omar Radi

Radi is an award-winning investigative journalist and activist. He was arrested in December 2019 for a tweet criticizing a verdict against protesters. In March 2020, he was given a… More

Rida Benotmane

Author and journalist Benotmane served a prison sentence from 2007 to 2011 for online posts. He was rearrested in September 2022 for Facebook posts and charged with multiple offenses… More

Ahmed Ali Abdelkader

Abdelkader is a Sudanese media personality and journalist. In April 2021, he was arrested upon arriving at the airport in Saudi Arabia and detained for 20 days. He was… More

Dmitry Bikov

Bikov, the author of over 90 books, survived an assassination attempt in 2019 and left Russia in 2022 after its invasion of Ukraine. In October 2022, he was fined… More

Vsevolod Korolev

Poet and filmmaker Korolev was a vocal opponent of the war who made films about imprisoned activists. In July 2022, a criminal case was opened against him for online… More