Juan Martinez D’Aubuisson

Columnist Martinez D'Aubuisson is the author of The Hollywood Kid: The Violent Life and Violent Death of an MS-13 Hitman. He has been researching gang violence in Latin America… More

Ruslan Chliebarodau

Writer of Stop the Cockroach, a popular anti-Lukashenko song, Chliebarodau was arrested in April 2023 and accused of "insulting public officials" and "disgracing the state power and governing bodies."… More

Andrei Filipchyk

Filipchyk is an online activist who runs a Telegram channel where he posts jokes and memes in Belarusian. On January 31, 2023 he was arrested and a criminal case… More

Marko Vidojković

An award-winning author, columnist, and blogger, Vidojković received more than 50 death threats in 2021-2022 after he published his 2020 novel Djubre. Anonymous threats drew a comparison between him,… More

Filipp Dzyadko

Author, journalist, and Russian opposition figure Dzyadko had to leave Russia shortly after Russian forces invaded Ukraine. After a year living in Georgia, he was denied re-entry and detained… More

Gustavo Gorriti

A veteran journalist and author of five Peruvian history books, Gorriti has faced multiple instances of harassment dating back to 1992. In February 2023, 30 protestors stood outside his… More

Victor Ticay

Ticay, a broadcast journalist for a local TV channel, is serving an 8 year prison sentence for his online commentary on his Facebook page "La Portada." In his trial… More

Orkesh Abdurehim

A poet, author, and former high school teacher, Abdurehim was arrested in September 2022 on unknown charges and has been in detention ever since. His family has no updates… More

Thupten Lodoe

Renowned Tibetan author Thupten is serving a 4-year-sentence for allegedly "inciting separatism." He was first arrested in October 2021 due to his political commentary on platforms like Weibo and… More

Baolong Hu

A human rights lawyer and online activist, Baolong was detained in September 2020 for allegedly "leaking secrets" to foreign countries and for his online commentary. He was formally charged… More