Atikem Rozi

Rozi, a student of Ilham Tohti, was arrested for her involvement with Tohti’s website Uyghurbiz, which promotes mutual ethnic understanding between Uyghurs and Han Chinese. She was sentenced in… More

Chimengül Awut

Awut, an award-winning poet and editor at Kashgar Publishing House, was reportedly arrested in July 2018. She was sent without a trial to a “re-education camp” after her involvement… More

Writers at Risk Database

Rahile Dawut

Dawut, whose academic research focuses on Uyghur folklore and Islamic sacred sites across Xinjiang, was reportedly last heard from in December 2017. She was tried in 2018 on "splittism"… More

Yuli Riswati

Riswati, an Indonesian citizen, covers Hong Kong pro-democracy protests with a focus on migrant workers and the unique struggles they face. She was deported to Indonesia in December 2019… More

Writers at Risk Database

Jung Chang

In March 2018, Jung’s invitation to a literary festival in Macau was revoked after authorities said that her appearance there would be “untimely.” She and her husband co-wrote a… More

Writers at Risk Database

Suki Kim

In March 2018, Kim’s invitation to a literary festival in Macau was revoked after authorities stated that her appearance there would be “untimely.” The essayist and nonfiction author spent… More

Writers at Risk Database

Tsering Woeser

An award-winning Tibetan writer, Woeser was placed under house arrest in 2008 and again in 2014 for her activism for Tibetan rights. Her books are currently banned in China… More

Liu Tianyi Tianyi

Graphic novelist Tianyi was sentenced to ten and a half years in prison in 2018 for making and selling obscene material. Her self-published novel Gongzhan is about a forbidden… More

Writers at Risk Database

Liu Xia

After her husband Liu Xiaobo won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010 for calling for political reforms in China, poet Lu Xia was held incommunicado under extralegal house arrest.… More

Writers at Risk Database

Gao Yu

Gao Yu has been imprisoned three times for her dissident reporting, most recently in 2014, when she was sentenced to seven years for revealing state secrets. In November 2015,… More