Maha Al-Rafidi Al-Qahtani

In September 2019, Saudi authorities raided Al-Qahtani's home and have held her in arbitrary pretrial detention since. As of January 2020 she was reportedly held in solitary confinement and… More

Nassima Al-Sadah

Al-Sadah is a columnist whose writing questioned the male guardianship system and advocated for greater rights for women, including the right to drive. In late August 2018, Al-Sadah was… More

Writers at Risk Database

Natalya Sharina

Sharina, head of the Ukrainian Literature Library in Moscow, was detained and put under house arrest in 2015 after authorities raided the library and found several Ukrainian nationalist works… More

Writers at Risk Database

Nouf Abdulaziz

Columnist and women’s rights activist Abdulaziz was arrested and detained in June 2018. While in detention, she was reportedly tortured and sexually harassed. In February 2021, after prolonged delays… More

Writers at Risk Database

Eman Al-Nafjan

Columnist Al-Nafjan was detained in May 2018 in relation to her women's rights advocacy. While in prison, she was reportedly sexually harassed and severly beaten. She was granted temporary… More

Writers at Risk Database

Natalia Estemirova

In July 2009, journalist and human rights defender Estemirova was abducted by four gunmen on her way to work in Grozny, Chechnya. She was found dead in woodlands near… More

Writers at Risk Database

Anna Politkovskaya

Journalist and writer Politkovskaya was found murdered in her apartment in central Moscow in October 2006, shot at point blank range. There is widespread outrage that her murder was… More

Writers at Risk Database

Ma Thida

Human rights activist, surgeon, and writer Ma Thida was sentenced to 20 years in prison on charges of endangering public peace, distributing unlawful literature, and having contact with illegal… More

Writers at Risk Database

Gioconda Belli

Writer and poet Belli was one of three PEN Nicaragua members to be subjected to harassment through the circulation of an anonymous video which identified them as behind a… More

Maria Josephina Vergina Laurio Jover

Writer and anonymous blogger on criminality, Laurio’s identity was revealed in October 2017. Since then, she has faced a barrage of threats, including threats of rape. She reportedly moved… More