Yao Wentian Yiu Mantin

In 2013, Yao was sentenced to ten years in prison for smuggling ordinary items, but his friends believe the publisher was set up. As of 2019, he is reported… More

Wang Yi

In January 2020, preacher and poet Wang was sentenced to nine years in prison for inciting subversion of state power after being held incommunicado with his wife since March… More

Chen Shuqing

Chen, a pro-democracy activist and writer, was sentenced to ten and a half years in prison in 2016 after being found guilty of “inciting to subvert state power.” Since… More

Cui Haoxin An Ran

Cui, a Hui Muslim, uses poetry and online platforms to protest China’s treatment of Muslim minorities. After enduring harassment throughout 2018, Cui was arrested in January 2020. There is… More

Writers at Risk Database

Guo Quan

Guo was released from prison in 2018 after serving a 10-year sentence for a series of articles titled “Herald of Democracy.” He was re-detained in February 2020 on charges… More

Hu Shigen

A freelance writer, Hu was detained arbitrarily in July 2015; police did not answer his family’s enquiries as to his whereabouts. He was formally arrested in January 2016 on… More

Liu Tianyi Tianyi

Graphic novelist Tianyi was sentenced to ten and a half years in prison in 2018 for making and selling obscene material. Her self-published novel Gongzhan is about a forbidden… More

Lu Jianhua Wen Yu

After a 90 minute secret trial, Lu was sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2006 for leaking state secrets. Lu is a prominent sociologist and research professor, and… More

Lü Gengsong

In 2016, Lü was sentenced to 11 years in prison on national security grounds for publishing critical articles overseas and meeting with other activists. His daughter reports that his… More

Qin Yongmin

Qin Yongmin is a writer, activist, and the co-founder of the Democratic Party of China. On May 6, 2015, he was arrested for inciting subversion of state power. In… More