Luo Yuwei

Luo, a student of Ilham Tohti, was arrested for his involvement with Tohti’s website Uyghurbiz, which promotes mutual ethnic understanding between Uyghurs and Han Chinese. He was sentenced in… More

Writers at Risk Database

Qurban Mamut

Mamut, who had worked with Uyghur-run cultural publications for over four decades, disappeared in 2017 after visiting his exiled son in the United States. Authorities told Mamut’s son that… More

Writers at Risk Database

Joshua Wong

Wong was imprisoned for four months in 2017 for unlawful assembly related to his role in the 2014 Occupy Central protests. Police continued to target Wong after his release.… More

Writers at Risk Database

Jo Lobsang Jamyang Lomig

Jamyang, a blogger and writer who has written on free speech, environmental issues, and social movements, was arrested in 2015 and sentenced in 2016 to seven and a half… More

Trinley Tsekar

Tsekar, who had written many songs on Tibetan themes, was arrested in November 2013 after attending a protest against mining in a sacred site. His charges were politically motivated… More

Writers at Risk Database

Ilham Tohti

Tohti, an influential Uyghur writer and economist, co-founded the website Uyghurbiz. In September 2014, following repeated instances of harassment and detention, he was found guilty of separatism and sentenced… More

Ghoja’Abdulla Ablimit Sheyhim

In 2014, Ablimit, who writes using the pen name Sheyhim, was arrested after publishing his satirical stories on Uyghur community websites and meeting with a Uyghur language advocate. He… More

Abduqeyum Ablimit

Ablimit, one of Ilham Tohti’s students, was arrested from his home in 2014 for his involvement with the website Uyghurbiz, which promotes ethnic understanding between Uyghurs and Han Chinese.… More

Memetjan Abliz Boriyar

Boriyar was one of 14 staff members at the Uyghur-run Kashgar Publishing House to be arrested and detained in 2018 for his role in the publication of books deemed… More

Yang Shaozheng

Yang Shaozheng

In 2017, Guizhou University fired professor Yang over his “politically sensitive” academic writings. In June 2021, Yang was charged with “inciting subversion of state power” and detained after disappearing… More