Bergün Varan Grup Yorum

Varan is a member of activist collective and band Grup Yorum, whose critical songs have angered the Turkish government since its inception. She has been arrested and detained multiple… More

Sultan Gökçek Grup Yorum

Gökçek is a member of activist collective and band Grup Yorum, whose critical songs have angered the Turkish government since its inception. She has been arrested in police raids… More

Writers at Risk Database

Xu Zhiyong

Xu, a noted essayist and public intellectual, had for decades advocated for good governance and citizen engagement through his writing. In February 2020, he was detained amid a crackdown… More

Huynh Thuc Vy

Huynh was arrested and sentenced to two years and seven months in prison in November 2018 related to her blogging about human rights issues, including the dire situation of… More

Writers at Risk Database

Truong Duy Nhat

A Radio Free Asia reporter and blogger known for his critical exposé on Vietnam’s ruling Communist Party, Nhat was abducted and detained by Vietnamese agents in Thailand in January… More

Tran Anh Kim

A retired military officer and prolific essayist, Kim has written about government corruption, human rights, and social injustice. He was sentenced to 13 years in prison in 2016 under… More

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc Tran Dong Chan

Thuc was arrested in 2009 and sentenced in a flawed trial to 16 years in connection with a book advocating for governance reforms. He has been subject to inhumane… More

Pham Chi Dung

Pham Chi Dung

Founder of the Independent Journalists Association of Vietnam, Pham was arrested in November 2019 for articles he wrote criticizing human rights by the government. On January 5, 2021, he… More

Ahmed Mansoor

Mansoor was sentenced to ten years in prison and heavily fined in 2018 after being found guilty of defamation and "spreading false information online." He has gone on at… More

Mohammed Al-Roken

Mohammed Al-Roken

Al-Roken, a lawyer and human rights advocate who has represented numerous other activists, was tried along with 93 other defendants for anti-state activity and sentenced to ten years in… More