Zahra Mohammadi

Zahra Mohammadi

Mohammadi was arrested in 2019 for teaching the Kurdish language and detained for seven months, including a period in solitary confinement. In February 2021, an appeals court upheld a… More

Mehmet Baransu

Baransu has been detained since March 2015 for his reporting on an alleged coup attempt that referenced leaked military documents. He faces charges in at least four distinct court… More

Pham Doan Trang

A blogger, democracy activist, and non-fiction author, Trang resigned from the Liberal Publishing House in July 2020, citing security threats. In October 2020, she was detained on charges of… More

Writers at Risk Database

Chen Yunfei

On March 25, 2021, Chengdu authorities detained Chen on “picking quarrels and provoking trouble” after he wrote an online article about schools in Sichuan. In December 2021, he was… More

Nagyz Muhammed

Muhammed worked in Altay’s State Intangible Cultural Heritage Office and was arrested for gathering with friends and expressing his opinion on policies in Xinjiang in 2018. He was sentenced… More

Perhat Tursun

Tursun is a renowned Uyghur writer of poetry, prose, and novels. He was denounced as anti-Islamic in the late 1990s for his work's themes of suicide, sexuality, and mental… More

Writers at Risk Database

Benny Tai Yiu-ting

Tai is a legal scholar and public intellectual who wrote foundational political pieces on democracy. He was convicted on politically-motivated public nuisance charges and served 4 months of his… More

Xie Fengxia Xie Wenfei

Xie spent 4.5 years in prison for subverting power after publicly supporting the Umbrella Movement. Released in March 2019, he has since been harassed and was again detained in… More

İhsan Cibelik Grup Yorum

Cibelik is a member of activist collective and band Grup Yorum. Since the band’s inception, its critical songs have angered the Turkish government and members have faced serious threats.… More