Mustafa Sheta

Sheta, known for his activism, is a columnist and producer at The Freedom Theatre. In early December 2023, the Israeli Army forces broke into and destroyed The Freedom Theatre… More

Nawef Al-Amer

Columnist and social media commentator Al-Amer authored Days of Ashes (2013), where he recounts his experience as a detainee for 13 months in an Israeli prison in 2011. In… More

Radwan Qatanani

Qatanani is a columnist for the Palestinian news website ETAR as well as an online commentator posting primarily on Twitter. He previously spent 20 months in administrative detention in… More

Rasem Obaidat

Obaidat has written political commentary for both his own channels and news outlets, and has authored two books: Cries in the Time of Apostasy and From the Memory of… More

Prabir Purkayastha

Purkayastha is the founder of NewsClick, an independent news website, and a public intellectual. In October 2023, the NewsClick offices and his home were raided, in a wide sweep… More

Ahed Tamimi

Tamimi, a Palestinian activist, is author of They Called Me a Lioness. In November 2023, she was arrested in the West Bank for incitement based on an Instagram post… More

Ahmed Abu Damous

Damous worked in political analysis and translation before founding Facebook and Telegram pages on which he actively published news updates and political commentary. In October 2023, he was arrested… More

Byu Har

Hip-hop artist Byu Har has used his work to criticize the junta, leading to warnings from authorities. He was arrested in May 2023 after live-streaming a video to social… More

Ndeye Maty Niang Maty Sarr Niang

Reporter Niang was arrested in May 2023 in connection with her commentary that was critical of Senegalese authorities. She was charged with “acts likely to undermine public security, direct… More

Abdukodir Rustam

Rustam, a writer and editor, was arrested in August 2023 for editing Abdukholik Kholikzoda’s memoir Events of My Life. Copies of the book were confiscated by authorities, while Rustam… More