Aida Amidi

A poet and a member of the Iranian Writers' Association, Amidi was arrested at her home and taken to an undisclosed location on December 5, 2022. After hours of… More

Ali Asadollahi

A noted poet and the secretary of the Iranian Writers' Association, Asadollahi was detained on November 21, 2022 after he had published poems on his website about a teenager… More

Fahad Shah

Shah, a Kashmiri editor and columnist, was arrested in February 2022 for publishing "anti-national content." After being held for 22 days without heat or electricity and then briefly released… More

Mahmoud Saad Diab

A columnist and online commentator, Diab has written opinion pieces on international issues for the Al-Ahram state-run newspaper. He was arrested at Cairo International Airport as he was boarding… More

Mohamed Mostafa Moussa

Moussa, a columnist for multiple outlets who has criticized President el-Sisi in his work, was arrested at his home in Alexandria and taken to an undisclosed location on November… More

Alejandro Guilleuma Ibáñez

Ibáñez was detained while demonstrating in Havana’s El Vedado neighborhood, along with other artists, in October 2022. He remains in detention with no clear information about his sentence, final… More

Didier Almagro Toledo

Almagro, a "contestatory" rapper using his music to protest the government and reflect on political topics, was arrested at his home by state security agents following a protest in… More

María Cristina Garrido Rodríguez

Garrido was detained following her involvement in the 11J protests in Quivicán, Mayabeque along with her sister Angélica, and suffered a forced disappearance for 18 days. She was sentenced… More

Randy Arteaga Rivera

Arteaga, a rapper who has published songs on socio-political issues in Cuba, was arrested and detained during the 11J protests. In April 2022, he was sentenced to five years… More

Ahmed Douma

A poet, activist, and blogger, Douma was first arrested in 2013 due to his prominent role in the 2011 Egyptian revolution. He wrote his poetry collection Your Voice is… More