Gulmira Imin

Gulmira Imin, a poet and Uyghur-language website moderator from China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2010 for “splittism, leaking state secrets, and organizing an… More

Writers at Risk Database

Nasrin Sotoudeh

A human rights lawyer and prominent voice of conscience, Sotoudeh was briefly rearrested and beaten in October 2023 while attending a funeral of a slain teenage girl. She had… More

Tran Duc Thach

Tran Duc Thach was arrested on April 23, 2020 and charged with “activities aimed at overthrowing the People’s Government” for his Facebook posts on government corruption and human rights… More

Abdulaziz Al-Dukhail

On April 25, 2020, Al-Dukhail was arrested and detained without formal charges for a tweet he posted in support of the activist Abdullah Al-Hamid following his death. According to… More

Ali Al-Shadwi

Al-Shadwi has published many novels and studies dealing with Saudi society, the most prominent of which are: Modernity and Saudi Society and Saudi Society: Preservation-Remembrance-Forgetting. He was arrested and… More

Aql Al-Bahili

Professor, writer, and journalist, Al-Bahili was arrested in April 2020 after tweeting condolences over the death of a prominent Saudi human rights defender. He was subjected to enforced disappearance… More

Pablo Rivadulla

Pablo Rivadulla Pablo Hásel

After briefly evading authorities, Spanish rapper Rivadulla was arrested in February 2021 for insulting members of the royal family and “promoting terrorism” in his music and tweets. In March… More

Ahnaf Jazeem

Jazeem was arrested on May 16, 2020 under the Prevention of Terrorism Act in relation to his book of poetry Navarasam, in which authorities claimed without basis that he… More

Daler Sharifov

On January 28, 2020, authorities detained Sharifov in a home raid and later charged him with inciting ethnic, racial, and religious hatred. In April 2020, he was sentenced to… More

Arnon Nampa

Arnon Nampa

Since August 2020, Arnon Nampa has been arrested and released on bail several times for his speeches at peaceful protests. In February 2021, he was remanded for violating lèse-majesté… More