Yang Hengjun

Yang Hengjun

Chinese-born Australian writer Yang was seized by Chinese authorities during a visit to China in January 2019. Held incommunicado and interrogated for nearly two years, he was formally charged… More

Mushtaq Ahmed

Writer Ahmed was arrested alongside ten people under the Digital Security Act for writing online about the government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. After nearly 11 months in detention,… More

Shimaa Samy

After writing critically of the government's detention of political prisoners on the news website Darb, Samy was abducted in Alexandria by security forces on May 20, 2020 and held… More

Ahmed Kabir Kishore

Cartoonist Kishore was arrested with 10 other defendants in May 2020 for criticizing the government’s response to COVID-19 in an online cartoon series “Life in the Time of Corona.”… More

Yury Alexeyevich Dmitriev

Yury Alexeyevich Dmitriev

A historian who researched Stalinist atrocities and head of the Karelia branch of the human rights organization Memorial, Dmitriev was imprisoned on baseless charges of sexual assault. On September… More

Mehmet Baransu

Baransu has been detained since March 2015 for his reporting on an alleged coup attempt that referenced leaked military documents. He faces charges in at least four distinct court… More

Pham Doan Trang

A blogger, democracy activist, and non-fiction author, Trang resigned from the Liberal Publishing House in July 2020, citing security threats. In October 2020, she was detained on charges of… More

Writers at Risk Database

Chen Yunfei

On March 25, 2021, Chengdu authorities detained Chen on “picking quarrels and provoking trouble” after he wrote an online article about schools in Sichuan. In December 2021, he was… More

Writers at Risk Database

Loujain Al-Hathloul

Al-Hathloul, a women's rights advocate, was detained in a sweep of arrests in May 2018 and held for 1,000 days in prison, during which time she was reportedly tortured… More

Nagyz Muhammed

Muhammed worked in Altay’s State Intangible Cultural Heritage Office and was arrested for gathering with friends and expressing his opinion on policies in Xinjiang in 2018. He was sentenced… More