Ales Pushkin

Ales Pushkin

Ales Pushkin was a performance artist who used art to criticize and comment on politics. In August 2020, he was detained and beaten while en route to protest the… More

Mikola Dziadok

Dziadok is a writer and blogger, analyzing Belarusian politics via his Telegram channel. On November 12, 2020, he was arrested on a “public order offense case.” His house was… More

Mikola Papieka

Mikola Papieka

In September 2020, poet and beekeeper Papieka participated in a “karahod,” a form of cultural protest used to show resistance to President Lukashenka's rule. In November, he was detained… More

Khosro Sadeghi Borojeni

Borojeni is a freelance columnist and writer who has focused on political and economic analysis, including COVID-19 mismanagement and critiques of neoliberalism. He was arrested in May 2019 and… More

Kea Sokun

Rapper Kea Sokun wrote the popular song “Dey Khmer,” in which his lyrics discuss the politics of Cambodia’s land ownership. On September 4, 2020, he was detained for incitement.… More

Jimmy Lai

Jimmy Lai

Apple Daily publisher and opinion writer Lai was arrested in August 2020 for violating Hong Kong’s National Security Law. Released on bail a month later, Lai was soon targeted… More

Hany Babu

Hany Babu

A professor of English literature and language, Babu faces charges of “propagating” communist activities, Maoist ideologies, and plotting anti-state attacks as part of the baseless Bhima Koregaon crackdown on… More

Kakwenza Rukirabashaija

In late December 2021, novelist Rukirabashaija was detained for a month on charges of “offensive communication” over tweets criticizing President Museveni and his son. After his release, he fled… More

Nguyen Tuong Thuy

Nguyen Tuong Thuy

Nguyen is a blogger, writing about civil rights and free speech online, and a member of the Independent Journalists Association of Vietnam. He was detained on May 23, 2020… More