Writers at Risk Database

Chen Yunfei

On March 25, 2021, Chengdu authorities detained Chen on “picking quarrels and provoking trouble” after he wrote an online article about schools in Sichuan. In December 2021, he was… More

Writers at Risk Database

Loujain Al-Hathloul

Al-Hathloul, a women's rights advocate, was detained in a sweep of arrests in May 2018 and held for 1,000 days in prison, during which time she was reportedly tortured… More

Nagyz Muhammed

Muhammed worked in Altay’s State Intangible Cultural Heritage Office and was arrested for gathering with friends and expressing his opinion on policies in Xinjiang in 2018. He was sentenced… More

Gheyret Abdurahman

Uyghur scholar Abdurahman was detained in March 2018 for over a year after translating Nobel laureate Mo Yan’s book Red Sorghum because it was deemed “politically sensitive.” Abdurahman’s arrest… More

Perhat Tursun

Tursun is a renowned Uyghur writer of poetry, prose, and novels. He was denounced as anti-Islamic in the late 1990s for his work's themes of suicide, sexuality, and mental… More