Firew Bekele

University lecturer Bekele was arrested on August 17, 2019 and charged under Ethiopia’s draconian Anti-Terrorism Proclamation in connection with a book he had published criticizing Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.… More

Magdi Ahmed Hussein Gad

Hussein, who has authored pieces that comparatively examine Islam and Western values, was given a reduced five-year sentence in 2016 for his “contempt of Islam,” alleged distortion of the… More

Khaled Daoud

The former leader of the Egyptian Constitution Party, Daoud was arrested during the September 2019 protests against the Sisi regime after he made a video calling for investigations into… More

Hassan Nafaa

Political science professor Nafaa was arrested in September 2019 just days after he criticized President El-Sisi in the press. His detention was part of a wave of 1,400 dissident… More

Ibrahim Al-Husseini

Ibrahim Al-Husseini

In December 2018, Al-Husseini was arrested on charges of "inciting protests" for social media posts criticizing authoritarian rule and religious extremism in Egypt. He was released on bail in… More

Writers at Risk Database

Ismail Alexandrani

Alexandrani is a researcher and journalist who studies extremism and counterterrorism in the North Sinai. He was arrested in November 2015 and charged with baseless crimes, including “publishing government… More

Hesham Gaafar

Hesham Gaafar

Gaafar was detained without warrant in October 2015 for suspected involvement with the banned Muslim Brotherhood. He was held for 41 months in pretrial detention, often under prolonged solitary… More

Writers at Risk Database

Abdel-Halim Qandil

A prolific journalist whose work has been censored many times in the past decade, Qandil was jailed in December 2017 for comments he made in a TV interview criticizing… More

Amanuel Asrat

Asrat has been detained incommunicado since 2001 in a sweeping crackdown on print media folllowing the September 11 attacks. During his peripatetic career, he has published poetry, songs, and… More

Temesgen Ghebreyesus

Ghebreyesus is a newspaper editor, comic, and actor. He has been detained incommunicado since 2001 in a sweeping crackdown on print media following the September 11, 2001 attacks. More