Writers at Risk Database

Fahad Al-Fahad

Al-Fahad was arrested in April 2016 for violating Saudi cybercrime laws with tweets criticizing the Saudi criminal justice system and government corruption. He is currently serving a five year… More

Hatoon Al-Fassi

Al-Fassi is a historian of women’s history, author, columnist, and leading women’s rights activist. On June 27, 2018, Al-Fassi was detained as a part of a crackdown on women's… More

Nadhir Al-Majid

Al-Majid was arrested and sentenced to seven years in prison in January 2017 in connection with an opinion piece he wrote in 2011 titled “I protest, therefore I am,”… More

Marwan Almuraisy

Almuraisy was arrested and forcibly disappeared in June 2018. Though he was a prominent figure on social media, his disappearance puzzled observers because he was not involved in political… More

Abdirahman Ibrahim Adan Abdirahman Abees

Adan, a poet in Somaliland, was arrested on January 12, 2019 after publicly reciting a poem the previous day in which he called on the Somaliland government to reform… More

Redha Al-Boori

Al-Boori was arrested in April 2019 in a wave of arrests targeting writers and commentators. Prior to his arrest, he had written about regional politics, though he had not… More

Nassima Al-Sadah

Al-Sadah is a columnist whose writing questioned the male guardianship system and advocated for greater rights for women, including the right to drive. In late August 2018, Al-Sadah was… More

Abdulmajeed Al-Buluwi

A freelance political analyst, Al-Buluwi was arrested on November 16, 2019 as part of a wave of arrests of Saudi writers and bloggers. However, after media coverage and international… More

Mohammed Al-Sadiq

One of several writers arrested in April 2019, Al-Sadiq previously wrote about sectarianism, conflict, and economic inequality in the region. He was also active in the movement to end… More

Ayman Al-Drees

The U.S.-educated Al-Drees was arrested in April 2019 on unknown charges as part of a wave of arrests of writers, journalists, and online commentators who had voiced support for… More