Writers at Risk Database

Martha Kumsa

Kumsa was arrested in 1980 after writing an article calling for ethnic-Oromo women to defy power structures and reclaim their cultural heritage. She was released in 1989 and escaped… More

Hassan Nafaa

Political science professor Nafaa was arrested in September 2019 just days after he criticized President El-Sisi in the press. His detention was part of a wave of 1,400 dissident… More

Writers at Risk Database

Ismail Alexandrani

Alexandrani is a researcher and journalist who studies extremism and counterterrorism in the North Sinai. He was arrested in November 2015 and charged with baseless crimes, including “publishing government… More

Hesham Gaafar

Hesham Gaafar

Gaafar was detained without warrant in October 2015 for suspected involvement with the banned Muslim Brotherhood. He was held for 41 months in pretrial detention, often under prolonged solitary… More

Medhat Safwat

Sawfat, who has written critically about fundamentalist groups’ strict interpretation of Islam, has faced verbal abuse and intimidation after each piece he has written. He was also formally admonished… More

José Luis García Paneque

José Luis García Paneque

Dr. García Paneque was arrested in a 2003 roundup of dissidents known as the Black Spring and sentenced to 24 years in prison. He was released in 2010 after… More

Abdukerim Rahman

Rahman is a renowned academic specializing in Uyghur folklore who has authored over 20 books, including History of Uyghur Culture and Uyghur Folk Literature. Reports indicate that Rahman was… More

Yalqun Rozi

Yalqun Rozi

Rozi is a Uyghur writer, literary critic, and historical researcher. Rozi was detained in October 2016 and formally arrested two months later for inciting separatism. Convicted in January 2018… More

Tashpolat Tiyip

Tashpolat Tiyip is an academic of Uyghur origin and the former president of Xinjiang University. Authorities stopped Tiyip in 2017 at Beijing airport. It is rumored that Tiyip was… More

Tohti Tunyaz

Tohti Tunyaz Muzart

A Uyghur historian based in Japan, Tunyaz was arrested in 1998 after analyzing primary sources in Xinjiang for his book The Inside Story of the Silk Road. Imprisoned for… More