Mohammad Bamm

Bamm, whose writing focuses on workers' rights, was detained in December 2017 and held incommunicado, unable to access lawyers or his family, and charged with anti-state propaganda. In 2018,… More

Arzhang Davoodi

Davoodi was arrested in 2003 after participating in the production of a documentary entitled Forbidden Iran. After a series of sham trials and convictions, he faced the death penalty… More

Rehna Sultana

Rehna Sultana

Sultana is one of the “Miya” (Bengali-language Muslim) poets charged in July 2019 after the online publication of a poem by Hafiz Ahmed that authorities claimed promoted sectarian enmity… More

Sepideh Jodeyri

Sepideh Jodeyri

Jodeyri's translation of Blue Is the Warmest Color by Julie Maroh into Persian made her persona non grata in Iran. Already facing a campaign of public persecution for her… More

Baktash Abtin

Baktash Abtin

Poet and filmmaker Abtin, with two other board members of the Iranian Writers Association, was convicted in 2019 for opposing state censorship policies. Abtin's six-year prison sentence was upheld,… More

Writers at Risk Database

Kureepuzha Sreekumar

Malayalam poet Sreekumar was targeted by right-wing protestors on his way home from making a speech in which he criticized Hindutva groups for their stance on the construction of… More

Hafiz Ahmed

Hafiz Ahmed is one of the “Miya” (Bengali-language Muslim) poets charged in July 2019 after the online publication of his poem, "I am Miya," which authorities claimed promoted sectarian… More

Abdul Kalam Azad

Azad is one of the “Miya” (Bengali-language Muslim) poets charged in July 2019 after the online publication of a poem by Hafiz Ahmed that authorities claimed promoted sectarian enmity… More

Writers at Risk Database

Srijato Bandyopadhyay Srijato

In January 2019, a group reportedly led by a member of the All Assam Bengali Hindu Association stormed an event where Bandyopadhyay, a poet previously under police investigation, was… More

Forhad Bhuyan

Bhuyan is one of the “Miya” (Bengali-language Muslim) poets charged in July 2019 after the online publication of a poem by Hafiz Ahmed that authorities claimed promoted sectarian enmity… More