Gulmira Imin

Gulmira Imin, a poet and Uyghur-language website moderator from China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2010 for “splittism, leaking state secrets, and organizing an… More

Anatol Kudlasevich

Kudlasevich penned the song “The Anthem of Resistance” that he performed at rallies protesting Lukashenka's election. He was illegally detained despite ‘disability group 2’ immunity, sentenced to ten days… More

Tran Duc Thach

Tran Duc Thach was arrested on April 23, 2020 and charged with “activities aimed at overthrowing the People’s Government” for his Facebook posts on government corruption and human rights… More

Ahnaf Jazeem

Jazeem was arrested on May 16, 2020 under the Prevention of Terrorism Act in relation to his book of poetry Navarasam, in which authorities claimed without basis that he… More

Arnon Nampa

Arnon Nampa

Since August 2020, Arnon Nampa has been arrested and released on bail several times for his speeches at peaceful protests. In February 2021, he was remanded for violating lèse-majesté… More

Jose Bello

In May 2019, Bello recited his poem “Dear America,” inspired by his first-hand experience in Mesa Verde detention facility, at a local forum. Less than 36 hours later, he… More

Abolhassan Kamali

Poet Abolhassan Kamali was given a four-month suspended sentence of two years seven months imprisonment at home with an electronic handcuff on charges of blasphemy and spreading lies. The… More

Milad Jannat

Jannat is a member of the Iranian Writers Association, a translator, and a poet. He was detained in a home raid in July 2020, in which authorities reportedly confiscated… More

Yang Licai

In December 2019, artist Yang Licai was arrested on charges of inciting disruption. His arrest was closely linked to posts he made online in support of Hong Kong protesters.… More

Zhang Wenfang

Zhang Wenfang posted poems about the Wuhan lockdown due to COVID-19. She was first detained on “picking quarrels and provoking trouble” and later sentenced to six months in prison… More