Javier L. Mora

Mora is a contemporary poet and founding member of Archipiélago, a civic group calling for democracy and civil rights in Cuba. He was arrested on the morning of July… More

Gulnisa Imin Gulhan

Gulnisa Imin is a Uyghur literature teacher and poet known for her writings about Uyghur culture. In March 2018, on the 345th night of her poetry project, "One Thousand… More

Gangkye Drubpa Kyab Gang Metak

Gangkye Drubpa Kyab is a a poet, teacher, and essayist who has written on the 2008 Tibetan unrest and was jailed between 2012 and 2016 for his expression. He… More

Wang Yuwen Wang Zang

Poet Wang Zang was taken by police from his home in Chuxiong City in May 2020 and charged in July with “incitement to subvert state power.” Evidence against him… More

Zhang Guiqi Lu Yang

Poet Zhang was taken into police custody in May 2020 and charged with “inciting subversion of state power” a month later. The charge cites as evidence a video of… More

Andrzej Poczobut

Andrzej Poczobut

Belarusian-Polish political writer and minority rights activist Poczobut comments on politics in his blog and columns, for Polish newspapers, and has published a book on Lukashenka’s impact. He was… More

Abdullah Atefi

Abdullah Atefi, a historian, writer, and poet, was a public figure whose extensive body of work focused on Pashtun culture and literature. Atefi was taken from his home in… More

Maung Yu Py

Maung Yu Py is a poet from Myeik well-known for his wry style of writing. In March 2021, he was arrested by the military amid jailings of multiple writers… More

Alireza Nouri

Nouri, a member of the Iranian Writers' Association, was sentenced to two years imprisonment on the charge of “blasphemy through writing offensive poetry online” in 2017. While his prison… More

Writers at Risk Database

Jordi Cuixart

Cuixart is a Catalan poet who advocates for the region’s independence. In October 2019, Cuixart, already detained, received a nine-year prison sentence and ban on holding office for sedition.… More