Than Tint

Poet Than Tint was arrested and detained on March 27, 2021 while taking part in a protest led by poets on Pansodan Road in downtown Yangon. During these protests,… More

Aye Ko

Aye Ko, a poet and state officer, was arrested on March 11, 2021 after posting letters and poems on Facebook concerning the coup. He was tried and sentenced in… More

Daw Khin Than Wai Wa Thone Dray

Poet Daw Khin Than Wai, also known as Wa Thone Dray, was arrested and detained on March 27, 2021 while taking part in a protest led by poets on… More

Khin Thet Htar Latt Nora

Poet and multimedia artist Khin Thet Htar Latt, also known as Nora, was arrested and detained on March 27, 2021 while taking part in a protest led by poets… More

Lwin Aung Nayi

Poet and legal practitioner Lwin Aung, also known as Nayi, was arrested on March 12, 2021 in Myeik, shortly before he was supposed to represent Maung Yu Pyi in… More

Qasem Bahrami Sheyda Hamedani

Poet and musician Qasem Bahrami was detained in September 2021 on unknown charges, most likely due to his original poems and online readings of verses that criticize the government.… More

Yasin Qasemi Bajd

A member of the Sunni minority in Iran who writes on politics and religion, Yasin Qasemi Bajd was arrested and reportedly interrogated in February 2021 on a number of… More

Jamal Al-Sayer

Public figure and poet Jamal Al-Sayer took to Twitter in July 2021 posting his poems about corruption in Kuwait. On July 5, 2021, he was arrested and detained at… More

Akbar Azad

Akbar Azad is a poet, activist, and journalist from Iran continuously targeted by authorities. First arrested after giving a speech for UNESCO in 2014, he has been detained and… More

Aram Fathi

Fathi, a Kurdish poet, writer, and activist, was arrested and taken to an unknown location on June 17, 2021, after the Iranian intelligence service conducted a raid on his… More