Isa Choulandim

Choulandim, an artist, writer, and activist, is known for his outspoken opposition to child marriage, which he advocates against through his art. He was arrested in a home raid… More

Nafiseh Zamanzadeh

Zamanzadeh was an Iranian poet and online commentator. She was briefly arrested during the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' protests in 2022 and also wrote poems in support of the movement.… More

Nima Saffar

Saffar is a poet and writer who has a long history of arrests due to activism dating back to 2012. In February 2020, he was released early from an… More

Saeed Minai

Minai is an ethnic Azeri activist and online writer. He was summoned to court in 2019 for a Telegram article. In August 2023, he was arrested at home after… More

Sasan Chamanara

Chamanara is a Kurdish singer and activist. He was arrested in October 2022 for participating in the Mahsa Amini protests. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison in… More

Shahabuddin Shirazi

Shirazi is a dissident cleric who is active on Telegram. In March 2023, he was reportedly taken to court for his writings on Ayatollah Khomeini. In November 2023, he… More

Nurlan Gahramanli Nurlan Libre

Nurlan Libre is an anti-war blogger and journalist who shared anti-war views on his Facebook page. In September 2023, he was sentenced to 30-day administrative arrest for "spreading prohibited… More

Pinaki Bhattacharya

Bhattacharya is a prolific writer and blogger who is a vocal critic of the Bangladeshi government. He went into hiding in 2018 after being summoned by authorities for his… More

Rasul Abdi Parsi

Parsi is an Islamic law scholar and former professor at Herat University who was arrested by the Taliban in March 2023 for comments he posted on Facebook. In October… More

Arouna Louré

Louré, an anesthesiologist, is an outspoken critic of the Burkinabé government. In 2018, he published an essay Burkindi for a new revolution on the increase in political activism, and… More