Ahmed Ali Abdelkader

Abdelkader is a Sudanese media personality and journalist. In April 2021, he was arrested upon arriving at the airport in Saudi Arabia and detained for 20 days. He was… More

Andrei Novashov

Novashov, a journalist for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, was detained in March 2022 for “false information” in his online commentary. In March 2023, he was sentenced to 8 months… More

Boris Kagarlitsky

Kagarlitsky, a Marxist sociologist who posts opinion and commentary online, is vocally opposed to the Russian war in Ukraine. He was designated as a foreign agent in May 2022,… More

Eduard Charlotte

Pop singer and blogger Charlotte staged several symbolic anti-war actions in 2023. He was arrested upon returning to Russia in November 2023. He faces criminal charges for “rehabilitating Nazism,”… More

Junaidullo Khodyorov

In August 2018, Russia-based Tajik blogger Khodyorov was sentenced to 5 years in prison in Tajikistan for “supporting terrorism” in relation to his writing about a trip to the… More

Maria Ponomarenko

Journalist Ponomarenko was detained in April 2022 for publishing information on an airstrike in Ukraine. She was granted house arrest in November. In January 2023, she turned herself back… More

Hiba Abu Taha

Abu Taha is a Jordanian-Palestinian freelance investigative journalist and online commentator. In June 2023, the Amman Criminal Court issued her with a three-month prison sentence for defaming an official… More

Salman Al-Khalidi

Activist Al-Khalidi was sentenced in absentia to 5 years of imprisonment for his tweets while he was studying in Qatar. He was pardoned in January 2023, but sentenced again… More

Freddy Quezada

Philosopher Quezada was fired from his university position in 2018 for criticizing Ortega’s regime. He was arrested in November 2023, hours after publishing a social media post critical of… More

Asad Ali Toor

Opinion journalist and vlogger Toor has a large following on social media, where he has critically spoken of Pakistan’s chief justice and military. In 2021, he was attacked and… More