Ngar Min Swe Sar Min Swe

Ngar Min Swe was serving a seven-year prison sentence for "inciting hatred against the government," stemming from Facebook posts and critical news articles about Aung San Suu Kyi. Released… More

Nay Phone Latt

Nay Phone Latt

Nay Phone Latt, whose blog had been praised by the BBC for publishing trustworthy news, was arrested in February 2008 and sentenced to a total of 20 years in… More

Lama Khater

An outspoken critic of both the Israeli government and Palestinian Authority, Khater was arrested by Israeli soldiers in July 2018 and sentenced to 13 months in prison for alleged… More

Writers at Risk Database

Dareen Tatour

Tatour, a Palestinian citizen of Israel, was detained in 2015 for her poetry and social media posts and kept under house arrest for more than two years. She was… More

Writers at Risk Database

Shiva Nazar Ahari

A founder of the Committee of Human Rights Reporters, Ahari has been jailed several times for her work documenting the suffering of Iranians. Most recently, she was imprisoned from… More

Ahmad Abdulhusain

On July 25, 2018, the head of the IMN, an Iraqi government holding company, issued an order terminating poet and journalist Abdulhusain as an editor-in-chief following his refusal to… More

Narges Mohammadi

Mohammadi, jailed relentlessly by authorities for her writing and advocacy, was freed in 2020, but in May 2021 was again sentenced to 2.5 years in prison and 80 lashes.… More

Abdul Kalam Azad

Azad is one of the “Miya” (Bengali-language Muslim) poets charged in July 2019 after the online publication of a poem by Hafiz Ahmed that authorities claimed promoted sectarian enmity… More

Vernon Gonsalves

In August 2018, Gonsalves was arrested on politically motivated charges of incitement to violence along with other leftist writer-activists connected to the Bhima Koregaon case in a coordinated raid.… More

Atnaf Berhane

Berhane is one of the Zone 9 Bloggers, a group formed in 2012 to publish political commentary online in the face of tightening restrictions on expression. The Ethopian Supreme… More