Abdo Fayed

Fayed, an Egyptian journalist and online commentator, remains detained without trial since May 2020, charged with disinformation and joining a terrorist group. The detention followed a series of Facebook… More

Amer Abdel Moneim

Moneim writes political opinion articles that have included criticism of President El-Sisi’s policies. In December 2020, he was arrested and charged with “spreading false news” and “participating in terrorist… More

Anouar Rahmani

Since 2017, Rahmani has been threatened with legal action for content in his books, including a gay relationship and a depiction of God. In November 2020, he was found… More

Mohamed Tajadit

Tajadit is affectionately called the “poet of the Hirak” for his poetry that comments on politics in Algeria. He was arrested in August 2020 for his involvement in a… More

Shafiqul Islam Kajol

Journalist Kajol was forcibly disappeared for 53 days in March 2020. Found early in May 2020, he was then detained for over 230 days by authorities on charges including… More

Anastasiya Zakharevich

On September 5, 2020 Zakharevich was detained while taking photos at a rally and convicted to seven days of administrative arrest. On November 5, 2020 she was detained again… More

Dmitry Strosev

Dmitry Strotsev

Dmitry Strotsev publishes poetry as a preserver of the “Minsk school of poetry” and has written poetry about the August 2020 Belarusian election and subsequent violence against protesters. On… More

Mikola Dziadok

Dziadok is a writer and blogger, analyzing Belarusian politics via his Telegram channel. On November 12, 2020, he was arrested on a “public order offense case.” His house was… More

Mehdi Salimi

Salimi writes on gender and politics. He was detained for a month in July 2020 and released on bail. In July 2021, a court convicted him of propaganda and… More