Hadi Hakim Shahafi

Online commentator and academic writer, Shahafi was first arrested in December 2019 and spent 10 days in detention. He was imprisoned on February 22, 2022, and released temporarily on… More

Hossein Dehbashi

A writer, online commentator, and historian, Dehbashi was convicted in July 2022 for making a claim that Ahmad Khomeini died of drug overuse. He was sentenced to 6 months… More

Hossein Ronaghi Maleki

In February 2022, blogger Ronaghi was disappeared and slapped with national security and propaganda charges. He was released from Evin prison in March. After a TV interview in September… More

Iman Behpasand

A columnist, essayist, and online commentator, Behpasand was arrested on September 22, 2022. Security officers raided his home in Tehran confiscating his mobile phone and laptop in the middle… More

Ali Ahmadzadeh

Iranian filmmaker and diretor Ahmadzadeh was arrested in Tehran on unknown charges on August 31, 2022. He was then released on September 3. He says that he is still… More

Ali Asadollahi

A noted poet and the secretary of the Iranian Writers' Association, Asadollahi was detained on November 21, 2022 after he had published poems on his website about a teenager… More

Barshashree Buragohain

Buragohain, an undergraduate student, writes poetry and shares it on her Facebook account. She was arrested on May 18, 2022 for writing an allegedly "anti-national poem" titled Akou Korim… More

Fahad Shah

Shah, a Kashmiri editor and columnist, was arrested in February 2022 for publishing "anti-national content." After being held for 22 days without heat or electricity and then briefly released… More

Mohammad Zubair

A Muslim journalist, Zubair was informed by Twitter in June 2022 that the Indian government had requested they suspend his account. In the following weeks, he was arrested and… More

Mahmoud Saad Diab

A columnist and online commentator, Diab has written opinion pieces on international issues for the Al-Ahram state-run newspaper. He was arrested at Cairo International Airport as he was boarding… More