Tran Hoang Huan

Tran Hoang Tuan was indicted and arrested under investigation for his alleged anti-state propaganda in August 2021. Many believe his arrest was directly related to his criticism of the… More

Hopewell Chin’ono

Chin’ono was detained in July 2020 for almost six weeks after he published his investigations into state corruption. He has since been repeatedly detained on additional spurious charges, including… More

Fazilhoja Arifhojaev

Arifhojaev is a blogger who is well-known for criticizing the Uzbek government’s restrictive religious policies. He was arrested in July 2021, and sentenced in January 2022 to a four… More

Bui Van Thuan

Bui Van Thuan was arrested in August 2021 and accused of “anti-state propaganda” for his Facebook page. In November 2022, he was sentenced to eight years in prison and… More

Bakhtyar Kadirbergenov

An online commentator, Kadirbergenov was arrested in July 2022 and accused of participating in and organizing the Nukus riots. He was sentenced to seven years imprisonment in January 2023.… More

Dauletmurat Tadzhimuratov

Tadzhimuratov allegedly organized a rally for Karakalpak autonomy in July 2022, leading to his detention. In January 2023, he was sentenced to 16 years imprisonment and ordered to pay… More

Kaan Göktas

Goktas is journalist and online commentator who writes on cybersecurity. He was sentenced to two years in prison in 2021 for sharing a poem by Ottoman poet Sunbulzade Vehi… More

Danson Kahyana

A writer, poet, and academic, Dr Kanhaya's online writing was sometimes critical of the authorities. In April 2022, he was violently attacked by unkown assailants on his way home… More

Ergün Poyraz

A literary writer, Poyraz is best known for his controversial views on the ruling AKP party and the faith-based Gülen movement. He wrote a best seller titled "The Children… More

Thanapol Eawsakul

Thanapol is a co-founder and editor-in-chief of Same Sky Books, a political magazine and publisher of books on Thai politics and history. Police have harassed Thanapol and Same Sky… More