Peyman Farhangian

Farhangian is a literary writer, poet, and labor activist. He was first arrested in June 2020. He was initially sentenced to 38 years in prison on charges related to… More

Dmitry Glukhovsky

In June 2022, Glukhovsky was arrested in absentia for anti-war social media posts he made in May. Living in exile in Europe, in October 2022 he was placed on… More

Azamat Nuratdinov

Azamat Nuratdinov is an Uzbek blogger and reporter for El Khyzmetinde who was arrested in July 2022 and charged with inciting riots through distribution of propagandistic material. In January… More

Lolagul Kallykhanova

Kallykhanova is a columnist and owner of a news site Makan. She advocates for Karakalpak autonomy and is critical of the Uzbek central government. She disappeared in June 2022… More

Aliaksandr Novikau

A historian and blogger, Novikau was arrested on June 27, 2022 for publishing articles on his website that aim at revising history. He was convicted and found guilty of… More

Khalid Qadiry

An activist, journalist, and poet from Herat, Qadiry was arrested by the Taliban on March 17, 2022. He was sentenced a couple months later to 1 year in prison.… More

Nguyen Lan Thang

Nguyen Lan Thang has written commentary on current events in Vietnam and around the world, history, and philosophy via his blog on Radio Free Asia since at least 2013.… More

Phan Cong Hai

In November 2019, Phan Cong Hai was arrested for Facebook posts that were deemed "anti-state." In a 2020 trial in which he did not have legal representation in court… More

Tran Hoang Huan

Tran Hoang Tuan was indicted and arrested under investigation for his alleged anti-state propaganda in August 2021. Many believe his arrest was directly related to his criticism of the… More

Hopewell Chin’ono

Chin’ono was detained in July 2020 for almost six weeks after he published his investigations into state corruption. He has since been repeatedly detained on additional spurious charges, including… More