Thupten Lodoe

Renowned Tibetan author Thupten is serving a 4-year-sentence for allegedly "inciting separatism." He was first arrested in October 2021 due to his political commentary on platforms like Weibo and… More

Baolong Hu

A human rights lawyer and online activist, Baolong was detained in September 2020 for allegedly "leaking secrets" to foreign countries and for his online commentary. He was formally charged… More

Yongpei Qin

A human rights lawyer and online activist, Yongpei is serving a 5 year sentence on charges of "inciting subversion of state power." Yongpei was first detained in October 2019… More

Hai Zhang

Hai is a journalist and online activist. He was arrested and forcibly disappeared in February 2023 after expressing support for the "white-hair-movement," an elderly group protesting health care reforms.… More

Yutong Su

A blogger and former journalist, Yutong is also a pro-democracy online activist who has faced multiple instances of harassment in China dating back to 2010. After she had circulated… More

Yunkai Shangguan

Yunkai is a journalist and blogger who wrote on allegations of government corruption and forgery. He was arrested in April 2023 for an article he published, and was charged… More

Xiaolong Ji

Xiaolong is an activist and online commentator. He was detained by the police for posting an open letter on Twitter to the Shanghai government in August 2022, accusing them… More

Yu Wensheng

Yu is an activist known for his critical writings on political issues. He was arrested in 2018 and sentenced to 4 years after writing an open letter to… More

Dzmitryi Yurtaeyeu

Yurtaeyeu is a poet and teacher who had participated in anti-government protests in September 2022. He was detained by authorities then and forced to read his poems on camera.… More

Abdulselam Kilgi Selamo

A scriptwriter and poet, Kilgi was arrested and detained at Izmir Airport on his way back to Türkiye from Germany. Sources say that the arrest was related to a… More